About David S. Lawyer's website: who is he?

Email any comments to me, David Lawyer at mailto:davylawyer1@gmail.com

David S. Lawyer This website was created (originally with little content) as the personal website of David S. Lawyer after 1998 when he joined Los Angeles Freenet. It has no advertising or business plan and is his gift to world. He holds a BS (1957) and MS (1966) degrees from UCLA in general engineering. He has spent over 20 years as a full-time college/university student majoring in Geology, General Engineering, Operations Research, Transportation, Electrical Engineering, and Russian. He has also taken numerous courses in Economics and Computer Science.

He worked as a field engineer on electronic air navigation facilities and on radar. In Greenland, as a civilian at Thule Air Force Base, he was able to bank over twice his salary due to overtime work, site bonus,and no income taxes, with room and board provided free by his employer. Later on he utilized some of his savings to make some money in real estate. He also made money on a Linux (computer system) stock scam in which he was an innocent bystander on the winning side. This stock: VA Linux, broke all records for appreciation which turned out to be due to illegal manipulation. But he is now retired with zero income (no Social Security) and is mostly supported by his wife (who also has no Social Security). They live in Pasadena, California. He has 2 married daughters, 5 grandsons, and 0 granddaughters.

He's also worked at a think tank (the Rand Corp.), taught transportation at a community college, did substitute high school teaching, was a volunteer author for the Linux Documentation Project (2 printed books by him), and wrote articles in Wikipedia about Soviet Railroads, etc (including electrification), and has published a couple of articles in journals about rail transportation. See Linkedin for details. But his most important contributions to society consists of the various articles (authored by him) on this website. Some of them need updating while others are still works in progress.

Unfortunately he's in poor health now and has had a major stroke which left him partially paralyzed. He could drop dead at any time and might even be dead now since there are no provisions to immediately shut down this website when he dies. He's looking for someone to take over the maintenance (and possible development) of this website after he dies (or becomes severely disabled).

To improve this site requires work and not money (the web-hosting by Google is free). Due to the closure of Los Angles Freenet (where this website was) and their failure to provide any redirects to the new site after it closed, over a thousand links from other web pages to this site have been lost. Thus this website needs to have more links to it from other sites. If you can help with this, by contacting webmasters, etc. of other appropriate sites that should link to articles on this site, it would be of help.

This Website

Articles on this website are on various topics as you'll note in the list of folders. This website includes articles about transportation energy, economics, transportation history; economic collapse; energy accounting; Universalist Church failures; home repair articles, his contributions to the Linux computer operating system documentation; etc.