LABELS for patio doors (2@ N. doors & 1@ S. door): TO LOCK DOOR TO LOCK DOOR 1. Make sure the left door is 1. Make sure the left door is fully closed at the top. If fully closed at the top. If it's not, pull on the chain it's not, pull on the chain during the final few inches of during the final few inches of closing the door. closing the door. 2. With the brass lever handle 2. With the brass lever handle pointing up, yank the right door pointing up, yank the right door closed using the handle located closed using the handle located above the brass lever. above the brass lever. 3. While holding the door tightly 3. While holding the door tightly shut, rotate the brass lever 180 shut, rotate the brass lever 180 deg. clockwise until it points deg. clockwise until it points down. Don't force the lever. If down. Don't force the lever. If it will not easily rotate, reclose it will not easily rotate, reclose the door more tightly. the door more tightly. 4. Push bottom bolt in. 4. Push bottom bolt in. TO OPEN DOOR TO OPEN DOOR Lift up bottom bolt. Rotate Lift up bottom bolt. Rotate brass lever up 180 deg. brass lever up 180 deg. counterclockwise. counterclockwise. TO OPEN DOOR Lift up bottom bolt. Rotate brass lever up 180 deg. counterclockwise. TO LOCK DOOR 1. Close the left door. 2. With the lever handle horizontal, close the right door firmly using the handle located a yard above the brass lever. 3. While holding the door tightly shut, rotate the lever handle 90 deg. counterclockwise until it points up. 4. Push in bottom bolt. TO OPEN DOOR Lift up bottom bolt. Rotate handle down clockwise until it's horizontal.